- The Ocean Colombo (Colombo, 3)
- Riverside Cabanas (Mirissa, 5)
- River Front (Tissamaharama, 4)
- Vista Rooms Peacock Reach (Tissamaharama, 4)
- Jetwing Kaduruketha (Wellawaya, 4)
- Riverfront Hotel(?) (Badulla, 1)
- Wink Field (Nuwara Eliya, 2)
- Sunny Hills Residence (Kandy, 4)
- Hotel Sigiriya (Sigiriya, 5)
- Sea Zone Hotel (Nilaweli, 3)
- Amaranthe Bay (Uppuweli, 4)
- Supun Arcade Residence (Colombo, 4)
perjantai 22. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 – Hotels in Sri Lanka
sasri2016 – Travelling back to Finland from Colombo
- 4h 40 min flight to Abu Dhabi, then 1h 25 min layover in that airport
- 5h 30 minutes flight from Abu Dhabi to Berlin Tegel airport, with 2h 25 minutes layover in Berlin airport
- 1h 55 minutes flight from Berlin to Helsinki airport
- then taking a bus from Helsinki airport to railway station
- next to take a Onnibus from Helsinki to Turku
- and about at the beginning of night, I should be arriving at Turku and then to take a local bus to my home and to finally meet my sweetheart.
torstai 21. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 - Travelling from Trincomalee to Colombo
Yesterday I got really badly sunburnt.
I was meant to go to Colombo by train. My flight is this night / tomorrow morning at 04:35.
I didn't know that train schedules are quite bad, for this kind of a trip. If my flight would have been during later morning, it would have been a great choice to go by night train. And quite same for AC busses. I heard that AC busses go only during night, from Trinco to Colombo. Other busses go once in an hour, during the daytime.
But I wasn't in best condition to travel without AC, as my skinburns were quite bad and they also made me dry. 9 hours in long haul bus didn't sound exactly what Is needed. So I called my earlier tuk-tuk driver (Ragi Kones), who took me to the Koneswaram Hindu temple yesterday morning and started negotiations about price of a car and an air conditioned car. First I asked from hotel, what their price would be, to know the maximum and to have somekind of understanding. Well hotel's offer was crazy 21000 rupies. I got this arranged by 11500 rupies. It's an older van and there are no regulations to demand for back seat safety belts (same as in India), so going is kinda relaxed now, having this back seat all by myself and stretching legs.
Driver is okay, but doesn't much know English, so we don't talk much here. We stopped for a lunch and place charged for my driver's lunch also. Though I think that drivers should eat free in those places. It costed me 4 euros extra and I am about to leave this place, so I don't really care to make a scene in this point.
I have written about driving in my earlier travelling stories, so this time I decided not to write about it... but I have a little itch to do it.
Anyways, now we have been riding for a bit more than 6 hours. So it might not take that long anymore, until we reach Colombo. I will be staying in the hotel only for a short time, but I need to try to sleep before I go to the long flights back home. Coming here was so awful and long, so I hope it goes better this way. And I actually paid only 15 euros for my hotel stay, so it wasn't too bad, even for a short stop.
tiistai 19. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 - Nilaweli
Car was Tata Nano and quite funny car. It had 0,95 L engine and consumption was really low. It has only 8 litre tank. ;) Air conditioning was working well. Driver said he had bought it second hand that it had costed him about 800 000 rupies (5 479 euros). A new one would cost something like 8 000 - 11 000 euros. Driver Chlminda was from Sigiriya and I met him when he took me with tuk-tuk to Sigiriya rock.
I paid 7000 rupies for the trip from Sigiriya to Nilaweli. I don't say that it's the right price, but bigger car drivers didn't go below 8000 rupies (first offer was 9000 rupies), because (from what I think I understood from driver's talk with other drivers, he was like saying that he would profit only 2000 rupies if he goes below that for that trip, which would mean his expenses would be 5000 rupies, but this might be totally wrong interpretation).
Unbelievable! When I had checked into this Sea Zone Hotel in Nilaweli, I saw family from Colorado, that have had rooms in two other hotels at same time with me. Strange to wonder around this island and see the same family having a room in three different hotels, same time with you. We must have same taste for hotels. ;) Their nice grandmother had already left back to Colorado.
Yesterday when I talked to hotel manager, I asked where I could get those Kottu blades, because I saw that their restaurant (which is not directly in hotel, but can be seen from the hotel) has Kottu in their list. He started to arrange me a pair of blades, but couldn't find them easily. When I was ready to go to have a dinner, he throw me on his scooter to see another restaurant where they had Kottu blades. They were a bit different than I expected. They were also somewhat worn out (no sharp blades anymore). But it was interesting to see and take photos of them. I also get to see on what kind of metal plate they were doing the Kottu dishes. This was really nice and after this we went to hotel's restaurant, where lady was already making my Kottu. I did get a really nice introduction to making of Kottu, but I couldn't get a clear picture of all the things and spices.
This hotel has best wifi and internet connection, that I have had on this island. Strange, because this hotel doesn't remind any kind of "technically advanced" place. Room isn't that special, but it has warm water in shower (it's one temperature only, non-adjustable heat) and fan is working. Night wasn't too great though. It was really hot. My mobile phone said (through accuweather) that night temp was 30C... and I didn't have air conditioning. You can imagine the rest. The family rooms in this hotel do have AC, but I had already reserved the cheapest room option with fan only.
Hotel manager told that he doesn't remember when it would have been this hot in here. Actually when we talked about heat crisis in India, he told me that he wouldn't remember any other time, that Sri Lankans had been warned about high temperature and that one Sri Lankan had died due to heat in Jaffna. In India temperatures have been like 50C, but in Jaffna "only" like 40C.
Beach in Nilaweli is quite nice. At least now, there isn't big waves (like there was in Mirissa). Some stray dogs were begging there. Took a morning swim, before there came much of the hassle and loved it totally!
Now I am just enjoying my vacation and sitting at the hotel's terrace, without shirt of course, because it's so hot in here. Last time I checked, phone was reporting 29C and it would get to 33C during the day. Highest temperature could still be 35C and night could be something like 28C, but I have transferred to Uppuweli by then and in Amaranthe Bay hotel I will have AC to enjoy.
sunnuntai 17. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 - Animals and wildlife of Sri Lanka
Here are some that I remember...
Peacocks (in Yala, at the roof of Mirissa's hotel Riverside Cabanas, Wellawaya hotel's field opposite my chalet)
Sri Lankan Jungle Fowl
Green bee-eater
Colourful red bird that has migrated from India
Eagle, at least three different specimens, maybe two different species (Yala for two different species, while driving from Sigiriya to Nilaweli which probably was same as other one in Yala)
White-throated kingfisher
Smaller birds
Three different toad species (in Yala, Horton Plains, at reception of Hotel Sigiriya all were different species)
Land monitors (in Sigiriya hotel roaming around grounds and at Yala)
Crocodiles (big and babies)
Skink (multiple? at Lion's rock at least)
Smaller lizards ( at least 4 different species, two or three different at Lion's rock)
Snake, small black (Horton Plains )
Grasshoppers (over Hotel Sigiriya's room 56 sign (my room) and it was there together with a Gekko)
Wasps or something like them
At least three different species
purple faced monkey (that doesn't look like purple face) in Horton Plains,
special grey monkey with long tail running on power lines in Sigiriya center)
Common monkeys (besides roads like at Ella, in Mirissa's Riverside Cabanas hotel's backyard, Dambulla's temple, Hotel Sigiriya's yard)
So many different species, that I have no count of them, but it can't be less than 10 species)
White with black
Yellow ( most common)
Small and quick blue winged
Something that looked like admiral butterfly
Big blue butterfly
And others
Sambal (Yala and Horton Plains )
sasri2016 - Feelings in Sigiriya by the pool
Made tea with a tea cooker in my room. From my own tea leaves. Had to borrow a tea pot from hotel's restaurant. Weather is not that hot as it normally is. And it's really nice, to just be here, without any hurry or worry.
Monkeys just walked from hotel reception's roof to the trees opposite of me. They are actually quite funny to watch. People are swimming in the pool and some guys are playing dice on the other table. I think it's time for me to go to the pool also.
sasri2016 – Travelling in Sri Lanka
It might not be same kind of snorkeling and diving center, like Thailand and it might not be as cheap as Thailand is. But IMHO you can find cheap food, cheap accomodation and a lot to see.
Most of my travelling kilometers I have still done in trains and busses. They work surprisingly well. First train ride wasn't that pleasant, because it was so full and crowded (it was sunday quite close to new year's holiday - this was explanation given by a police man going on holiday and sitting near me). Another not so pleasant ride was from Nanu Oya to Kandy. That train trip was first awesome, with beautiful scenery and I had one great hour to enjoy the views and everything. But because it was cheap night train, I was harrased by a begging lady and also by one gay guy. So I really recommend going by ExpoRail wagon, if possible. It costs more, but it's still not expensive (mine was 1200 rupies from Badulla to Nanu Oya) and so worth it. If you want to stay indoors, it has AC, if you want to go to observation deck, you can see a lot, enjoy the nice wind and views.
Busses are okay and they are cheap. But they are not that comfortable and I haven't seen any AC busses yet. I know there are such, but they have probably gone mostly on routes where I haven't used busses (to and from Colombo perhaps?).
My route in Sri Lanka for these three weeks:
1. Colombo (stayed 2 nights, to get used to Sri Lankan ways and other stuff)
=> Train from Colombo to Weligama and tuk-tuk from weligama to Mirissa
2. Mirissa (stayed 4 nights, was originally meant to stay there for 2 nights, but liked it too much and took 2 nights more and Mirissa has been my favourite destination in Sri Lanka)
=> By tuk-tuk from Mirissa to Matara and by bus from Matara to Tissamaharama, tuk-tuk from Tissamaharama station to hotel
3.Tissamaharama (stayed 2 nights, this was mostly for Yala National Park)
- Now south coast is done, moving towards central Sri Lanka -
4. Wellawaya (stayed 3 nights, but this was kinda one night too much and it would have been different, if I would have stayed three or maybe even four nights in Ella, because there was much more interesting things in Ella, as Wellawaya mostly only had this Jetwing Karuduketha hotel, which was really nice, but no reason to spend more than 2 nights there)
--- Oh, while writing this in hotel's terrace at Nilaweli, I just got a a cup of tea (with sugar in it) from old man, who is taking care of this hotel). What a nice surprise! This is something I really value in this country! People just are nice and bring you kindly stuff, that you didn't even ask for. Earlier after my morning swim, he brought me a bag full of slices from coconut plant! Everybody who knows me, knows that I am going to tip him well for this. ---
=> Took a driver from Wellawaya (arranged by The Jetwing hotel) to Badulla. Driver didn't really know where the hotel was and tryed to ask someone. When I used my mobile phone and Google maps, I already knew how to drive to the hotel, but stubborn driver didn't listen to me. When he was totally lost and couldn't find it, he understood to listen to my advices, where to turn and how to find the hotel. But for his sake, I have to say that hotel wasn't in easy location. It was near an electricity site, on a side road.
5. Badulla (1 night to catch the exporail wagon early on morning, this was a mistake - should have gone to Ella (which was couple stations after Badulla (which was starting station) and stayed in much more comfortable hotel for that night))
=> Got a tuk-tuk from hotel to railway station and got into the ExpoRail wagon, that was amazing ride. Then left on Nanu Oya station and had arranged with hotel, that they send a tuk-tuk driver to get me to hotel from the station. That was working and good thing to do.
6. Nuwara Eliya (1 night, went to Horton Plains and saw Mini World's End there (loved it) and next day got finally to see a tea factory (Macwoods) and to buy some tea packages from there, also wandered around new year celebrations in Nuwara Eliya, which is one of the main centers for this Sri Lankan big holiday!)
=> Same driver threw me to train station of Nanu Oya to catch a train to the Kandy. This was not so great ride, after the sunset). Arrived to Kandy 22:30 and a driver picked me from train station to take me to the homestay/hotel in Kandy. Driver was actually homestay's keeper's son and his wife together in their car.
7. Kandy (2 nights, Kandy was much better than expected and homestay was quite nice, but many places were closed because of the New Year's holiday. There might have been some places to see and tour manager might have taken me there, but I actually joyed the low pace walking around the city, instead of rushing to surrounding temples and I did get to see the temple of the tooth).
=> Took a car with hired driver to drive me from Kandy to Sigiriya, through Dambulla (I am always mixing up with Badulla and Dambulla, but I think I got them right into this post). Homestay's tour manager insisted to join me in car (he said he has no better things to do, but it's pretty clear what was the thing with this). They took me to Hindu temple in Matale (which was tour manager's home town). Then to spice garden in Matale and then to Dambulla.Finally after Dambulla we got a lunch break and after that a short drive to Hotel Sigiriya.
- Now central Sri Lanka is experienced and moving on to northern part -
8. Sigiriya (2 nights in Hotel Sigiriya. This has been best hotel in my trip and was totally worth the money. I was originally booking for one night only, just to climb up to the Lion's rock, but ended up taking another night, to just enjoy the pool and great service and all.)
=> Took the driver from Sigiriya (who had been my tuk-tuk driver to Lion's rock in Sigiriya) to drive me to Nilaweli. This was a really good guy, named Chlminda). Enjoyed the drive with him. We stopped besides a great lake for toilet and I tried to get a lunch there, but they missed my order and I had my only burst of anger in there. Never forget or miss big, hungry, white man's order! ;)
- Climate and specially the surrounding environment changes a lot, when you come to (more Muslim area of) savannah/desert kind, northern part of the island Sigiriya still had more Jungle like feel in it -
9. Nilaweli (1 night. I am currently (19.4.2016 10:44 local time (+5,5h from GMT)) in Hotel Sea Zone's terrace, in runs in front of rooms. There is some nice wind here and I have don't have too many clothes on me. Even surrounding flys don't much bother me at the moment.)
- This point of time I am writing this, below writings are plan for the last days in this trip -
=> I have arranged with my upcoming booking with Amaranthe Bay -hotel, that they will send a tuk-tuk to this Sea Zone hotel today about 12:00 clock, to get me to the Uppuweli hotel. I will be paying 800 rupies for that, which isn't so bad price, though I think the distance isn't actually that long (800 rupies would mean 16 km ride). But when it's ordered from hotel, I think the price is understandable.
10. Uppuweli (2 nights, in Amaranthe Bay hotel)
Then to Colombo and possibly staying and sleeping there in hotel for some time of the day as my flight back home starts next morning 04:40 at the Colombo airport).
sasri2016 – Going up to Lion's rock in Sigiriya
sasri2016 – Ayurvedic treatments
sasri2016 – Travelling from Kandy to Sigiriya and visiting hot Dambulla
sasri2016 – In Kandy
perjantai 15. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 – Train trip from Nanu Oya (Nuwara Eliya) to Kandy
sasri2016 – Macwoods Tea Factory
- Collecting the tea leaves,
- Drying the leaves, shredding them to smaller particles
- Fermenting the leaves (black tea is fermented, green tea is not)
sasri2016 – Horton Plains
sasri2016 – Nuwara Eliya
sasri2016 – Train trip from Badulla to Nanu Oya (for Nuwara Eliya)
sasri2016 – Walking to the Wellawaya town
tiistai 12. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 - Badulla (in Finnish)
Hotellina on Riverside Hotel. Ainoa hotelli joka tälle kaupungille oli vapaana hotels.com:sta. Voisin sanoa ettei tosiaan ole hyvä hotelli. Huone on huono ja likainen. Mutta sen kanssa pystyn vielä elämään. Senkin voin vielä sietää, ettei liinavaatteet ole puhtaat, mutta tuo kärpästen määrä suihkussa, viemäriaukon viereisellä seinän nurkalla on jo vähän liikaa. En yleensä ota tämäntasoisia hotelleja, vaikka aika halpojahan nämä ovat. Mutta kun tämä oli ainoa tässä kylässä. Päästyäni huoneeseen, lähdin samantien tutustumaan kaupunkiin. Yhtenä syynä oli hervoton bassorummutus ja huonoista kaiuttimista, aivan liian lujaa rätisevä intia/länkkäripoppi.
sunnuntai 10. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 - How to cheat an UK style wall connector to accept Finnish style power plug
When maintenance came to clean my room, they saw that mosquite vaporizer wasn't too well connected to the "universal plug" in wall connector (it worked, but was really loose). Then I saw them to do this trick to insert the vaporizer into the UK style connector, even as vaporizer only had two plugs in it.
Though I don't know how safe this is to be done, so I will not - and can not be kept responsible for any harm this might cause to you - only do this with your own responsibility.
sasri2016 - Day trip to Ella from Wellawaya by tuk-tuk
I wanted to see Ruwana Falls, Nine Arched Bridge and Ella as a city.
To my surprise, Ella wasn't actually a city. It was totally a tourist location, on a hilly spot. So first we went up a long way, with the tuk-tuk and then we came a lot down, when getting back to Wellawaya. ;)
In between we stopped to Ruwana Falls. This is a nice place, if you want to get a refreshing moment, or just your feet wet. I didn't go to water, because hadn't really prepared for anything like that.
When we got to Ella, did some shopping and driver asked for directions to Nine Arched Bridge. I think the visit to Nine Arched Bridge was worth the effort, but it did actually require some effort. I don't know if my driver was just given bad directions from locals, but our route wasn't too comfortable and he didn't dare to drive the tuk-tuk all the way (well you even can't drive it to the very end, but one tuk-tuk came past me, when I was getting back higher to the point where he was left).
Ella is at the altitude of 1041 meters. The old tuk-tuk was having quite a time with the ascending road. Sometimes going was so slow, that I could have slept there at the back seat (could you imagine sleeping in a normal tuk-tuk drive at these chaotic roads?).
About shopping - old truth came up again - try to find a local shop/market place, where locals do their shopping and buy things from other shops only after that. I forget this almost on every trip and when I found a good local, common market (like Tesco's Big-C in Phuket) I start to remember this. But anyway, some things were like half the price, that they would have been elsewhere. Though it's a bit annoying, that everyone starts to stare at you in the market place, because they are not used to tourists in those places. Cashier girls, in the market place, were school age. That seems as odd to me, as seeing someone older than my grandparents, serving food at Wendy's in Florida. (Well, my grandparents are dead, but I don't mean that Wendy's has undead serving food.)
We stopped for a lunch at Ella. There are not too many places and couple restaurants seemed better than others. I ate Kottu (was spelled Kohthtu here) with Chicken and cheese again. I couldn't even eat it all. My body has probably got used to these smaller dishes, which are also much lighter, than food back home. And Kottu is actually quite heavy. Gladly this didn't have potatos in it.
I got a video of making my Kottu dinner. Asked from waiter, if it's okay to take a video of chef making the food and he said it's totally fine.
Next I am going to have a dinner at hotel's restaurant. They have a'la carte -list also, so I think I am going with that, as chef's menu didn't seem that much appealing to me (and price is over 2400 rupies for that menu, well this is a splurge hotel, so it comes with the territory). A'la carte dinners were more like 1000 rupies, which is pretty much what upper scale dinners here should cost. Like in Tissamaharama and Mirissa's beach restaurants, in better restaurants dinners and lunch costed about 700 - 1000 rupies, depending on the type of food that you order.
sasri2016 - At Wellawaya (Ella)
Everybody has been saying that Ella is beautiful and oh, yes it is!
This is stranger place by climate, because you have hot days but cooler nights. So it's not that hard to sleep during the night (by temperature).
I stay in Jetwing Kaduruketha hotel. This is most expensive hotel in my trip, but it currently has 61% seasonal sale, so I took it.
This is a chalets kind of hotel. These are like better versions of bungalows.
Last night was a bit too much of a jungle for me. I needed to change chalet, because roof was leaking to the floor (gladly not to bed). So staff moved my stuff to another room and now this hasn't been used for a little time, because spiders were living by the toilet seat, bugs running around and so many beings at ceiling of the building. I have an araknophobia, so it's really not that great, to see too many spiders.
When I started to get to bed, I saw a praying mantis in the space, between ceiling and wall (where they have no protecting net, to stop insects, bugs or critters to crawl into the room). It was exciting to see such a creature, going to hunting position in your own room, but at the same time, it's too big crawling thing, to have in your room. I don't remember what they eat, but I hope they eat spiders.
There were some nice gekkos in both of these rooms (more in the original, leaking room), which I really love. Also some really small ants invaded a small place of the floor and they cleaned one bug's carcass so effectively, that it's hard to imagine anything like that.
There were so many noises here, that it was hard to get to sleep. Crickets, toads and all kind of creatures making the sounds of jungle together.
It's very clear that you can't sleep without mosquito net in here. And net needs to be on all the time.
This morning was really nice, when I got up. Went to balcony and a cow is feeding there and it's buddy egrets was there with it (once was standing on the cow's back). A lot of green parrots flying around. Saw some beautiful and big butterflys passing by. Peackocks also showed them finally; I heard them all night yesterday, but couldn't see them.
I also saw a some kind of long tailed "weasel" to go in the trees. It wasn't like a monkey, but it moved like one. It had a long and furry tail. Got some - not so good - pictures of this thing.
Now I go to shower and then I go to breakfast.
lauantai 9. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 - Rice and curry lunch (in better hotel's restaurant)

sasri2016 - Travelling from Tissamaharama to Ella by bus
And sadly I need to change bus in Wirawila. This is something that I am not looking for... ;) Other option would be to hire personal driver with car to go this way. But being on a budget and only one week done for the trip, that's not best option (from that point of view).
I am currently on breakfast in The Peacock Reach hotel in Tissamaharama.
This is in another side of the Tissamaharama town, as my last hotel (The River Front) was. Did I already write about the usual "we don't have room for your another night" -problem in last hotel? (I think I didn't yet.) So they transferred me into this ("Uncle's hotel") for free (Vista Rooms Peacock Reach). This hotel is made with same style and has same quality level as the original one, so actually this wasn't that much of a bad thing, but it's annoying to need to transfer your stuff way too often. Because of hotel change, I had all my luggage with me on safari Jeep (did you already read my post about the safari in The Yala National Park?).
I am really excited about my next stay in Ella! Everybody I have talked to, who have been in Ella, have said it's very beautiful and nice place. Hotel's name is Jetwing Kaduruketha. The hotel has 61% season sale for the accomodation and it's still somewhat above my budget, but I am justifying it to myself, by saying that I need to taste a bit of Splurge on Sri Lankan trip too.
The hotel was tipped by Wendy, from English family that I met in Earlier hotel in Tissamaharama (so BIG thanks to Wendy for the tip, if you are reading this! And greetings to all of your nice family! It would be nice to hear how your trip did go, how is Ellouisa (sorry for my possible misspelling) and how you liked Mirissa...) :)
-- Update at the evening of same day --
So how did my trip go? It went fine. Actually much better than earlier bus drive from Mirissa to Tissamaharama. Buses were not that crowded and everything was running more smoothly than in earlier ride (maybe it was just me, or maybe there is less hassle in those local buses, than long haul buses).
Price was 50 rupies for trip from Tissamaharama to Tanamawila (so it was much better option to go to Tanamawila, than into Wirawila, because that would have been in wrong direction. Okey, I might have reached better buses from that town, than I did this way, but this was okay. Bus did stop really frequently and it felt like, whenever bus got to little speed to tires, it needed to stop again.
But I didn't have huge need to go to leak and actually I had small breaks to sitting in bus, when I needed to change bus at the stations (where I could have gone to toilet, possibly if one was to be found anywhere).
Price from Tanamawila to Wellawaya was 67 rupies and I bought a seat for my backpack also, and it still costed less than euro to me. Total trip costed then 184 rupies, which is something like 1,40 euros. For travelling over 110 kilometers (and over three hours).
I really can suggest for people to take the bus, if you are travelling by budget. People are very helpful here, bus cashier normally is helpful. And specially if your bus changes are at bus stations of towns (as they probably are), it's quite easy to make those bus changes. At least these buses did go so frequently, that almost when you get into the bus station, you just go inside next bus and wait for it to leave.
If a driver with car would cost 16 000 rupies for the same trip, that I can make with 500 rupies (tuk-tuk to bus station and tuk-tuk to hotel added to bus costs), there is quite a big difference (about 109 euros vs 3,4 euros). Of course comfort level is very different and going with a driver is normally quite risk free. I also appreciate, that some people do bring money to this country, which has a lot of poor people. Giving it to taxi driver might not be a worst thing to do.
By the way, buses have this "luggage area" besides the driver. You can leave your luggage there. I have heard, that some buses do not have that back compartment, that my bus from Matara to Tissamaharama did have.
sasri2016 - Travelling from Mirissa to Tissamaharama (from Matara by bus)
First I reserved a tuk-tuk from The Riverside Cabanas (my hotel) to take me to Matara, where the bigger bus station exists. Then he helped me to get to the correct bus (that wouldn't have been any easy, specially with this heavy luggage).
Bus was much better from the inside, than from outside.
They don't have airconditioning, but they do have a good boom system! ;)
Video running some Sri Lankan music festival videos and music coming from loudspeakers - that wasn't actually as bad you might think.
But... in some point roads do get rough and driver is going fast. So then you might even get sick. I don't (like ever) get sick for driving, but this was a good test for that. It doesn't make it any easier, that you don't get any pauses in 2,5 hour trip (which seemed more like 3 or 4 hour trip in my watch). I got a need to take a leak after an hour of travelling in the bus, so it's really not comfortable to be on those roads, in a bus that you can't stop without leaving and there's no toilet. I don't know if AC buses do have toilets, but they don't go in this part of the country.
Bus did have a small compartment at the back of bus, so I could get my big rock sack to the back of the bus. That made many things easy, though I was quite a worried about it when leaving Tissamaharama station.
There are several sales people in some stations of the bus, but they don't stay in the bus during the trip.
Seats are small and therefore I bought two seats (well, one seat from Matara to Tissamaharama costed 137 rupies, so it's somthing like 0,90 euros and I travelled that long and therefore made sure to have the space for my other (smaller) bag besides me on the seat (even smaller bag didn't fit to upper shelves.
Always remember to give your seat to clergy, if you are sitting in the front of the bus.
Bus classes:
- AC bus
- Long haul bus (this I was travelling with)
- local bus (don't go there with all your luggage... or at least I didn't try that one)
sasri2016 - The Yala National Park Safari in Sri Lanka (spoiler warning - do not read, if you don't want to know what you will see there)
I had a private jeep safari for a full day. I agreed it on phone with The Janaka Safari.
SPOILER WARNING - Do not read, if you want to be excited what you will see there!
Full day was a bit too much, as I didn't get to see Leopards, which I (and everybody else) were excited to see. But the trip with the Janaka Safari was well organized, car was a big maxitruck (Bolero?), with four seats. All communications were handled through phone and worked just as planned. Price I will not put here on internet, but you can contact me personally, if you want to hear details about the trip.
Seats were adjustable, but there were no safety belts, which a bit killer during the higher speeds while driving from Tissamaharama to Yala National Park. Actually, when we got back from safari, driver almost drive over cattle. Couple men were taking their pack of "meat sources" at the road and basically blocking everything on that side of the road. As it's already dark, when full day (or evening) safaris end, driver didn't see those animals in time at was quite a quick stop. I would have appreciated safety belts... but no harm was done. :)
I saw:
- About 7 different wild elephants (some I saw couple times)
- A lot of beautiful birds (Jungle cock is Sri Lanka's national bird and is endemic)
- A baby crocodiles and couple adult crocodiles
- land monitor lizard (have to say, that this was awesome spotting from the driver)
- Mangustis (name is not probably written like that, you now this species from animation videos?)
- Water buffalos (They are huge too)
- Wild boars (having their butts in the mud)
- Spotted deer
- Sambala deer (didn't get to see the small deer)
- Toads, but they were in the water, so it's questionable how much of them I really saw. ;)
Some highlights from my pictures:
Crested Serpent Eagle
Yellow-Wattled Lapwing
Pelican drying its wings and Spotted Deer coming drinking
Spotted deer checking, if it is safe to come drinking
Yes, it was safe to drink here
White-throated Kingfisher
Male Elephant (being angry)
Wild Boar (notice Spotted Deer at the left)
I spotted this black bird flying to its nest to feed its baby (no idea what bird this is)
There is one really special looking place, where is a bigger amount of water, lot of flowers growing in it and a huge amount of pelicans flying over that area. They have nests there, in dead trees, so they protect the area all the time. It's really beautiful scene. Sadly I would have needed much better lens to camera, than 70 - 300.
One tip: if you go to safaris, always try to get the first seats. Going is rough on those roads, and even on second row seats, the going is much more harder, than on the first row. This is an advice I got from British couple, who said they were doing a longer trip in asia. I shared my lunch from them and expect that they had their trip organized by Janaka also. They had some good advices.
Second tip: Remember to add your moisturizer/sun block during the safari. ;)
Someone did forget and afternoon was burning my skin.
keskiviikko 6. huhtikuuta 2016
sasri2016 - Food in Sri Lanka
- Breakfast with some western and Sri Lankan foods (The Ocean Colombo hotel)
- Rice and Curry with chicken (Food court in Majestic City, “Suna Dewli” restaurant at Mirissa Beach, I & I restaurant in Mirissa)
- Kofta (Sugar Bistro, Colombo)
- Chicken enchilada with some french fries (Food court (ThaiExpress) in Majestic City)
- Calamari Roti (“Amarasinghe” restaurant at Mirissa)
- Grilled Fish (“Amarasinghe” restaurant at Mirissa)
- Cheese Kottu with chicken (Pilawoos street restaurant in Colombo Galle road, “Amarasinghe” restaurant at Mirissa)
sasri2016 - Ceylon tea
- Red: Nuware Eliya
- Brown: Matale
- Black: Ruhunu
- Blue: Dimbula
- Green: Uva
This time I gave them Dimbulla tea (from the blue package). This is not as good as the Uva tea. This is also milder and not so heavy as ceylon tea often is. I don't say that this isn't okay, but as Uva was so amazing tea, this was kind of a disappointment after that one.