perjantai 1. huhtikuuta 2016

Racing Extinction - why we humans really have not made any steps to avoid destruction of our and all the life on this planet?

Being on a trip, is nice by so many ways. One of them is that mind starts to flow and walk. Freedom, restfulness, being out of hamster wheel... it all relieves your mind and allows it to wonder into places, it wouldn't go during the daily routines.

These thoughts came to me, when I was reading "The Way of Tea" - a book that hasn't yet spoken about tea - but a lot about tao and taoism.
Thoughts where my mind dwelled, were about the nature - and to say it pluntly - about the TV documentary called "Racing Extinction". Raising questions, like "How could such a thoughts of perceiving the world with nature and for man's place in the world, can be written by the people from that same country, that today cause such a havoc to this planet and ecosystem, what we are part of?". This doesn't mean, that I would blame China alone for the problems to our planet and to the nature that we are living in. Those problems are caused by humans as a race - not by population of one country. Saying just one more thing about this subject - before moving to actual subject - If we would compare eating habits of Americans and Chinese population, I bet Americans would eat a lot more meat per person, than chinese. And why this is relevant, because actually metabolism of cattle produces a lot of methane in to the air. So cattle is actually part of our ecological catastrophe, that we have created in modern days of human existence.

So to the actual subject: why we humans really have not made any steps to avoid destruction of our and all the life on this planet?

My answers:
1. It needs to go to the root level (simplicity of execution and communication, how these things affect all of us), it simply isn't enought, that there are couple hippies or hipsters wanting to drink tea and eat organic/veggie food- because that simply won't save the day
2. Reducing consumption is against well-being and power of the highest class (whole system would need to be changed)

One of big discoveries to me in this TV document "Racing Extinction" was, that 50% of phytoplankton has been killed during the last 50 years. Why is this so important, we can't even see them in our normal lives? Because phytoplankton PRODUCE 50% OF OXYGEN IN OUR PLANET!
Lets consider this from another point of view - phytoplankton has existed for a long, long time and been responsible for producing oxygen to our planet, so how would we cope if this planet wouldn't have enough oxygen anymore? Shouldn't we all start to figure out, where we are going? If the same rate would continue, aren't we like killing another 50% of phytoplankton from our oceans in next 50 years. It probably won't happen exactly like that - but you get my point. If we have now destroyed 25% of planet's oxygen producers, just in last 50 years (which isn't even a twinkle of an eye in the billion years history of our planet), isn't it showing that we have to have somekind of loss of oxygen in next 50 years?
How long time is 50 years? It's not the medium of human life expectancy, but we could say, that it's very probable that most of us reading this will live longer than that (if nothing unexpected happens).
So next generation of humans - meaning our children - could have less than halve of the same amount of oxygen, to live in this planet, than our parents did. So are we avoiding to take any action regarding this, because we don't care about our kids or their generations? I don't think so, I think that people are not really aware how bad the situation actually already is and that we would need to take actions now.
Another important realization was to understand, that cattle actually produces so much of our green house effect, while cars actually do as much as I thought.

[Under construction] - Sorry I am too tired to finish this rambling to the (bitter) end, but I hope some day I can find time and energy to finish this off.

How the destruction of life on earth could be avoided?
- All problems need to be addressed, not just one (methane and pollution in the air is not enough, saving the oceans is not enough, but fixing them all, would make a difference)
- Moving straight from oil to electricity isn't going to solve everything. It helps some part of the problem, but not all. Consumption of everything is in the source of these problems.

Are we beyond the point of salvaging the situation? I do really think so. But being correct in this, is not relevant, instead it is relevant that we as a human race try to make changes now, when we have even a glimbse of hope, that these things can be saved.

Funny, while writing this post, stumbled to an article about, through totally different subject (aging effects shown in metabolism of elderly) posted by a friend in Facebook:

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